Monday, June 16, 2014


I want to cover the basics in Spanish-

  • Conversation skills
  • Colors
  • Alphabet
  • Numbers
  • Shapes
  • Food/Drink
  • Parts of the Body
  • Family
  • Animals


This will be our Friday fun subject- I have selected a few science topics, manners, social etiquette, a few countries to learn about, holidays, and the state and country we live in.

Science includes: computers, space, nature, light, electricity, volcanoes, chemistry, and physics/forces.

Countries (curriculum from a friend) include China, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Mexico, Australia, Egypt, and Africa.

Holidays: Valentine's day, Patriot's Day, President's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Easter

Social Etiquette/Manners: Table manners, restaurant manners, 911/emergencies, phone conversations, etc.


Though I don't feel I have a clear picture of what he should learn in Math, I really want to reinforce his number-sense. We will do a lot of counting, estimating, adding, subtraction, and shapes/patterns. I also want to try conversion, especially with money, but will see how it goes.


By the end of the year, I want M to be able to write all of the letters, numbers, and his full name. We will be doing one letter/number a week, with a few extra weeks to do just his first, middle, and last names.

I am planning on just finding printables where he can trace. If I find I need to get a little more creative, I will have to take a trip to Pinterest.

My Teaching Philosophy

I will be doing an at-home preschool with my son for his last year before school starts. I've tried to think of some topics that will interest him, and where he also needs improvement. I don't anticipate I will have more than an hour of time to do the following- he has a pretty short attention span, and I have other kids to take care of, too, who won't always sleep when I want! So far, I've decided to have a schedule as follows:

Every day: Spanish, Reading, Scripture

Additionally, we will focus on certain subjects a few days of the week:

Monday: Writing
Tuesday: Math
Wednesday: Writing
Thursday: Math
Friday: Misc- Manners, Science, Culture, etc.

I have 42 weeks planned, taking a break on certain holidays and the entire week of Christmas.

Although I have a pretty structured plan of what I want to accomplish, I also want this to be fun for both of us, so I will try to incorporate games, even if they don't always have obvious educational application. For example, battleship, chutes and ladders, and go fish. He can be pretty resistant at times.